TC Jasper | Stay Informed

Posted: 8 December 2023

TC Jasper | Stay Informed
With Tropical Cyclone Jasper on the radar, it is easy to get caught up in frenzied buying and the “What if” media reports. Remember no one cyclone is the same and they are unpredictable, so it is important to remain informed, prepare your home and ensure you have a business continuity plan in place detailing how you will maintain essential functions during and after a disaster.
Our city has been diligently planning and preparing for these types of events, just last month we were part of the Townsville City Council’s Local Area Disaster Management Exercise ‘Exercise Atlantis” which simulated a severe tropical cyclone and the response plan for each agency across a range of different situations. The Local Disaster Coordinator and team are experienced and will be in regular contact with BoM, the District Disaster Management Group and other relevant agencies about TC Jasper over the coming days.
We have been advised by the Local Disaster Coordinator that at this stage TC Jasper is still well out to sea and BoM advise it is unlikely that we would receive a “Watch” advice till Sunday afternoon at the earliest.
Cyclones as we know can be unpredictable which means accessing trusted accurate information is vitally important. The good news is that Council’s Emergency & Disaster dashboard has been upgraded so that the BoM Cyclone Track Maps are automatically uploaded to the dashboard every time the BoM issues them.
We encourage you to check Council’s Emergency & Disaster dashboard for updated trusted information, support friends and neighbours in their preparations, especially if they are new to the area.
Have a great weekend
Heidi, CEO